A Life in Transition

Life is never a straight line. Success is not a destination. Change is a constant. And, a choice. Without challenges & change, we never learn & grow.


My life has been a series of transitions. Some are changes that I’ve chosen and embraced, and others have been thrust upon me. All have been in the pursuit of finding the true expression of my hunger to help others achieve their full potential.


I’ve worn many hats. Worked in management. Trained in ministry & service. Traveled to Taiwan for gospel outreach. Started a non-profit program. Volunteered in a hospice program. Trained in Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.  Founder of Recipes for Learning®, Certified Strengths Coach.


I found my calling in coaching – my personal True North in helping people to find their True North. So they can live the life they’ve always wanted and discovered the meaning that makes it all worthwhile.  I’ve helped people at every stage of their lives:


  • high school & college students discover their values, passion, & talents that have guided them to live life on their terms
  • those that are stuck in jobs they hate to transition into careers of a good fit
  • new entrepreneurs clarify  their next steps to start or grow their business


Now at 67, I'm turning my attention to people in a similar stage. I want to share my gifts of writing, coaching, & hosting circles as my love letter to those in life transition.


Someone who is nearing retirement or there already.  Traveling on your further journey, you see the possibility of the second act. You want more in your life but aren't sure how to turn those unexplored dreams and desires into reality.



None of us is as smart as all of us - Tony Pfeiffer


I have high energy & high enthusiasm. There is no cure. And, it might be contagious.


I love learning! The joy of learning something new & then sharing it. The sharing is my way to serve, support, & bless.


I will challenge you to take action today, tomorrow, & this week. To be accountable. Be prepared to learn & grow!


Scout & Guide - I love going out ahead to discover, learn, & gather information, insights, & ideas that you can implement today, tomorrow, this week so you can shine your brilliant best.

Coach - I provide a safe & sacred space of deep listening & questioning so you can access your own inner wisdom.

Circle Host - I facilitate peer to peer support in a small & intimate circle. Heart to heart connection & interdependence is the result.


To help clarify and create a bigger, better, brighter future.

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Blog Posts

The Amazing Boost That Being with Other People Gives to Your Brain

August 6, 2018

Our brains have a fundamental need to connect.  Why in the world would being with other people be so important to how our brains function?  As it turns out, much of our brain’s hardwiring (function below the level of awareness) comes to us from our primitive ancestors.  Our primitive ancestors had to stay in groups…

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July 25, 2018

How true! If only we could have that clarity in the present to go forward without having to look back.   “In four years from now the things that are important won’t be then,” Aunt Harriet   said.   At 18 I thought I knew it all. My anger & fear about the unknown future was…

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July 14, 2018

Growth takes time. Often it is slow. Some plants and trees take longer to grow and bloom. The saguaro cactus is the slowest growing plant in the world. It only grows one inch each year. The slowest growing tree is the cedar tree, which takes 150 years to grow four inches.   Every living thing has it’s own…

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July 7, 2018

The only thing more important than your to-do list is your to-be list. The only thing more important than your to-be list is to be. Alan Cohen   We all make lists. We make them so we know what needs to be done. Our brain focuses on what is incomplete not what is completed.   The…

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Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and die
with their song still inside of them.

Henry David Thoreau, Walden